Brother KC Wynne Retires!

Congratulations KC!

KC Wynne has made his final run! He worked his last trip on Saturday June 17th on 230-15 from Toronto to Smiths Falls. He was met at the Falls by many well wishers.

KC comes from a railway & a union family. His many years of union work have benefited the members he represented in countless ways. His legacy will be one of integrity, results & respect.

In his typical fashion, he a left a message of solidarity for the members of 295. See below.  

The members of Division 295 congratulate Brother Wynne on his retirement! We wish him all the best moving forward.

Curtain call

A message from Division 381 and 658, Smiths Falls

The Final Run

230-15 from Toronto to Smiths Falls

Congrats Brother!

The smile says it all